Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Picking your brains...

No it's not that bad really, we just need your input before we buy our domain name...thanks!!

What's your definition of "home decor"? What sort of items come to mind?


  1. Hummmm, interesting question!! So lets see what is my definition of Home Decor? Well I guess I would have to say it is everything that makes my house my home. All of the things I choose to surround myself in, the things that fuel my passions, the things that make me smile, gotta have some eye candy, the sweet gifts given to me from family, friends and especially my gifted rock and pinecone collection from my grand babies, lol. Crazy huh and it probably didn't help you at all, lol.

    Interesting question indeed, love to hear what it means to you and others too.

    Hope your having a grand week!!

  2. That does help a great deal, thank you Brenda!


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