
Friday, May 14, 2010

If I were a...

I saw this on another blog I follow and thought it was cool.  So here are my answers....

If I were a month, I'd be mysterious October.
If I were a day, I’d be Wednesday.
If I were a time of day, I'd be the witching hour.
If I were a font, I'd be Carlson Mt.
If I were a sea animal, I'd be a Dogfish shark. 
If I were a direction,
I’d be North.
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be a Victorian wardrobe.
If I were a liquid,
I’d be Moscato.
If I were a gemstone, I'd be a Amethyst.
If I were a tree,
I'd be an Ash.
If I were a tool, I’d be a Swiss Army Knife.
If I were a flower, I'd be a violet.
If I were an element of weather, I'd be a storm.
If I were a musical instrument,
I'd be my voice.
If I were a color,
I’d be deep violet.
if i were an emotion, I’d be full of them.
If I were a fruit, I'd be a chocolate dipped strawberry.
If I were a sound, I’d be the waves on the ocean.
If I were an element, I’d be water.
If I were a car,  I'd be an Audi R8 .
If I were a food, (see fruit).
If I were a place, I’d be the place between sleep and awake.
If I were material,  I'd be a silk sarong...and I'd look fabulous!
If i were a taste, I’d be sweet and salty.
If I were a scent, I’d be Nag Champa.
If I were a body part,
I’d be where passion lies.
If I were a song,  I'd be "Crazy"...the Kidney Thieves remix.
If I were a bird, I'd be a Raven.
If I were a gift, I’d be the one that keeps on givin.
If I were a city,  Portland, OR.
If I were a door, I’d be ancient and locked.
If I were a pair of shoes, I wouldn't be on my feet...
If I were a poem,
I'd be "A
Messy Room" by Shel Silverstein  

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